Let’s Write Books, Inc. is a full-service publishing company specializing in working with independent authors. Our mission is to help writers turn their manuscripts into books they can be proud of and meet the desired goals of each author we work with. We take great pride in providing an outstanding level of personal service while embracing the latest in publishing trends tools, and modalities.

We provide the following services: book design and publishing, eBook formatting, editing, ghostwriting, audiobook creation, and book marketing.

Our diverse team of writers, designers, and editors is led by our company’s founder Howard VanEs Howard has over thirty years of writing experience in every format imaginable, including writing thirty-seven books of his own as well as numerous books and information products for others. He is also the former owner and creative director of an award-winning ad agency.

Contact Us


Let’s Write Books, Inc.
9120 Double Diamond Pkwy
Reno, Nevada 89521


Contact us at Resources@letswritebooks.net or fill out the form below.

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